Friday, September 18, 2009

Soul Food

Have you ever waken up in the morning and felt absolutely icky, either mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. For whatever reason, you can't shake the funk. Let's face it, it seems an impossible feat to wake up every single morning positive chipper and ready to face the miracles of another day, or to be untouched by doubt or worry from time to time. I woke up yesterday and felt absolutely dejected, like all I wanted to do was roll back over and cover my head and go to sleep until whatever this manifestation was passed me by; but I couldn't do that, I had work and obligations and life, so I forged ahead.

Photography By: ChristyLove
 But you know what I noticed that the world was a bit more gentle with me, people were kind ( in most cases their kindness came in the form of leaving me alone),  and I made it through and was faced with empathy support and caring from my significant other, who even offered to rub my feet (although the idea got lost in the sea of his very many many ideas but in this particular case it truly was the thought that counted). Right before I drifted wearily and greatfully into slumber I realized that it was not one of my best days but I could pinpoint how and where the Universe provided me with exactly what I needed when I needed it (sometimes without me knowing that I needed anything)

And although I have to varying degrees experienced and witnessed this phenomena many many times it still amazes me that there is a force of utter love and abundance among us all that works very hard to give us what we need if we would only step out of the way for awhile and let the magic happen. I have also noticed that the Universe is not too shabby on fulfilling wants either (it seems if they are of pure intent) even wants we never verbalized out loud and then even let go...sometimes letting go is all you need to do as hard as that may be.

So I would like to thank the Universal army bringing light love and abundance into the lives of those who are ready to embrace it (glad I am one of them) for giving me a gentle reminder that I am not alone and everything indeed will be ok.

What Say YOu?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome to the Many Meanderings of my Brain

Hello All,

I am beginning this blog as a way of officially and confidently stepping into the 21st century. After creating profiles, commenting, reading various web social networking sites I decided that blogging should come only natural. I am also beginning this blog because I have lots of thoughts that run through my head and I am not afraid to share them.

This Blog will be dedicated to my wanderings and discoveries of this beautiful thing we call life on this thing we call Earth. I am truly fascinated and most of the time humbled by the utter perfection that surrounds and sometimes devastated by the magnitude of our (human race) ignorance and destructive natures (which by the way I do not completely believe is inherent). I feel the weight of responsibility to make the world better than when I came into it daily, and perhaps this blog is a way of sharing that burden as well. So happy reading (and thank you for reading) Comments and Questions are welcome

Until we Meet Again,
