Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interesting Trader Joe's Encounter

I have always loved Trader Joe's (TJs)- the produce is fresh, the meat is happy, the aisles have rows upon rows of interesting non modified products, which is always changing, and the people are progressive- intelligent consumers and friendly helpful staff; at least that has been my experience and my perception. So when I politely and kindly offered my services to a woman who was struggling with her groceries I was quite taken aback by her gruff resounding NO!

The Scene: I was filled with excitement at being in TJs (food makes me happy) and even though I was only picking up a few items I wanted to give the wonderful goodness that is found within the walls of TJs my full attention so I was standing off to the side responding to some very persistent texters so I could proceed with my culinary journey. As I am sending my responses I notice a woman coming towards me who is struggling with a small 'granny cart' overflowing with goods and two armfuls of boxed berries- she obviously needed help. Being the kind person that I am I offered to help her with her parcels because I could see if she ventured any further up the aisle in her current state innocent bystanders may have been assaulted with berry pulp.
photo credit: kobochangirl-aka

Not looking me in the eye she replied very curtly, 'No'. Generally I respect a person's right to say means no...however, she was clearly in need and I persisted against what I thought was her stubbornness and asked if she was sure she didn't need help, 'No!' again, this time a bit more forceful. So I backed off and resumed the task at hand but I just couldn't help watching in awe as this same woman who refused to accept help from me practically pleaded with a young man to help her with her packages because she just didn't know how she was going to make it up to the front of the store to the line with all of her stuff.

'Thats interesting' I said, more to myself than to anyone else, 'what?' she replied 'but you didn't want me to help you'I said still in shock. 'No!' she said and shuffled away with her ignorance and food items.

I was so taken aback and did not quite know how to wrap my mind around it- I found a similarly complected person and described the scenario to see if anyone else thought it odd that someone in 2012 would turn down the help of another even of a different skin color. The kind woman with whom I spoke told me that 'I knew what that was' and gave me a knowing look- but I wondered as I thanked her and walked away 'Do I know what that was?'

What she was implying was that I had had a first-hand encounter with racism and I suppose I am still trying to wrap my head around a concept I have always had trouble understanding: treating someone different or judging them based on their color or how they look alone and it did not seem to matter that I was dressed nice and was offering a kindness...

That was interesting


What Say YOu?

The Resurrection

Hello All,
A friend of mine recently encouraged me to start a blog to share my many thoughts about the world around me and specifically with my interactions with it (especially the people) .... so true to form I set about "researching"...what does one say in a blog? who will read said blog if it is created? what will I say? what if I have nothing to say? what is my purpose? This litany of questions and very little concrete answers harassed me to no end for weeks upon weeks and then I made a decision: I will start a blog! All of a sudden it made perfect sense and people all around me were encouraging me to write about my experiences. Once the decision was made of course I had to mull it over some more, there needed to be a title, all of the experts said you needed a specific topic to write about...endless thinking and pondering...until TODAY. 

Photography By: ChristyLove
Today I decided to put my fingers to the keyboard and go through with this non-daunting task that seemed so in my brain. I opened my lap top and typed in the wonderful Google search bar: Blog- a selection came up, I was thrilled, maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all, was my thinking- the page that came up was someone's blog entry- I figured I would read it for inspiration. The more I read the more intrigued I became- this person had an interesting view on life, excellent vocabulary- all two of her blogs were very well written- then I looked at the name signed at the end and it looked like a name I frequently used meaning 'Earth' and the words seemed eerily familiar. Wait for it... IT WAS MY OWN BLOG!!!!!! SMH LOL I found myself on the web- sneaky Google :). Not quite as dramatic as somebody's idea of the second coming but hey, whattya gonna do?

So they say that no one's idea is original and apparently "they" are right back in 2009 I attempted to embark on the world of blogging and apparently didn't get very far- however here I find myself back full circle so it must be meant to be (I even liked my clever of my 2009 self)

So here I am to try again- committed to sharing my encounters and thoughts concerning the world around me with whomever shall partake.

Read, Comment, Share!
