I have noticed that men (generally) are drawn to my positive spirit, which is fine. I have also noticed that some men want to immediately attach themselves to me because of said spirit, a little less fine but tolerable. However, when I politely smile and shake my head and inform them that what they desire (the list is long ranging from soul mate to casino buddies) will never happen with me (I do give them encouragement and let them know that there are plenty of women they may have a chance with...I'm just not one of them) I notice an indignant change in disposition, followed by ... reproach: not fine.
I have been told quite frankly that I am being too cautious (I also feel like they want to say 'stuck up'- except I'm not so they cant quite find the correct descriptive for my "unruly" behavior) when I have refused to let someone know my full name, my full address, and my date of birth. In a world where rape and murder are prominent I am being too cautious.
I have had to remind strangers that we have known each other for all of 5 minutes and the soul mate button they are trying to pin on me is not the right fit for me- it does not seem to matter that my interests are light years away that my perception of the world around me is different than the average Jane's...sigh...the only thing that matters is their projections.
I am apparently not playing by the rules- is it perhaps because I speak when spoken to (I have always found that ignoring someone was very rude), because I do not avert eye contact (that's another thing! I have to constantly remind people that someone in their lives taught them it is impolite to stare), because I stop and smell the flowers, because I generally appear to be a nice person?
Well I am a nice person but that doesn't mean that I don't have standards or dreams and desires of my own and a very acute sense of what and is close or not to fulfilling them- some folks may catch me off guard but even those sneaky ones get rooted out if they do not belong when I am fully cognizant of the situation. Just because I'm nice (mostly) doesn't mean everybody can fly- I don't care about what car you drive or how much money you say your willing to spend (I call their bluff every time) I care about the things that you cannot show off in a traditional way, "the content of your character" is where the meat is.
And even still! You may be a wonderful person and we may not be right for each other (especially if you have 7 kids and most of your teeth are missing from your mouth...REALLY...wake up!)
SIDENOTE: I once got hit on by an older gentleman recently who after trying to guilt then bribe me into a conversation to no avail whispered in my ear, "Don't let the oxygen tank fool you honey, I am more than capable" I cannot make this stuff up! I kindly informed him that that was no way to talk to a lady and I was shocked and appalled that he had even twisted his lips to say such a thing...he then made some feeble attempts to clean it up and quietly made his exit. SMH
I don't know if I will ever cease to be amazed at the audacity of others who insist on forcing you into their fantasyland with little to no consideration for your willingness to go/participate.
Very Interesting
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