At a recent raw food experience I was exposed to a film about...eating, entitled,
Eating. Making the case for a plant based and in some cases a plant only diet. What follows is what I learned (this not my first 'food industry' film, however there were things that I took away) and my impressions.
The film interviewed a number of doctors and a few athletes who have adopted a plant based diet when facing debilitating health concerns themselves. The film took a hard look at the medical and food industry backed by political dollars and how both work hand in hand to kill Americans- be an informed consumer- knowledge is your best weapon.
The Learning:
Note: the burgers I am referring to are those mass produced and found for ridiculously cheap prices in most fast food joints
* cholesterol leading to heart disease is our nations number one killer
* heart disease has killed more people than all of our wars combined
* the food pyramid was designed by drug companies and politicians
* the diet that is advertised as "good" is fed to us as children and leads to all sorts of ailments as we age
* methane is the leading cause for our global warming issue
* the largest source of methane is the cattle that makes our burgers
* Half of our fresh water is used for the cattle that makes our burgers
* The other half of our fresh water is polluted by the feces of the cattle that make our burgers
* The animals that are used for the mass production of meat products are abused and horribly treated
* If one person did not consume meat for just one day that would equate to taking 8 Million cars off of the road
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* Our forests and environment are being destroyed to provide grazing land for the cattle that make our burgers not for the wood or even to house our growing population
* Drug companies use the medical industry to push chemical compounds that do nothing to cure the problem, in fact the pills keep people dependent on the drug and create a whole host of new problems via side effects
* Almost 70% of our grain, corn, wheat etc goes to feed the cattle that makes our burgers not to the people who are actually starving in the world
* The burgers found in most fast food joints are hard baked fecal cakes injected with chemical compounds to cover up the flavor of shit
* A piece of chicken has as much cholesterol as a T bone steak and seafood has more cholesterol than both
* Cattle are not designed to eat grains- they were meant to eat grass/ REad: e.coli
* A lb of ground beef is cheaper than a lb or rasberries
My Impression:
A plant based diet just makes sense...the Creator, nature, Mother Earth (whatever/whomever you believe in) provided all we need to not only live but to thrive. It has been a long standing theory of mine that the majority of mental health and behavioral health that I've seen over the years had a strong connection to diet- especially in children.
Fresh fruits and veggies retain all the nutrients our bodies need- so much so that many people have cited some as 'super foods' which have been credited with reversing some very serious medical conditions when doctors had given the patient a death sentence. What you put into your body affects how you relate to yourself and others- it affects your mood and energy levels.
For me, have a limiting or restrictive diet of any kind is not my idea of fun- and as mentioned in another post one of my favorite foods is oxtail- so am I destined for the emergency room? I don't think so- I am armed with a few guiding principles that help me make different and better food choices for me:
* Reading food labels tells you a whole lot of information including- ingredients (if you can't pronounce it you may not want to eat it), where the product was made etc
* Because I am a meat eater I look for and purchase meat that are grass fed and raised in happy healthy environments (yes you can find that information on the label too) not from mass produced slaughter factories
* I shop at places known for the food conscience (Trader Joes, Farmers Markets)
* When given the choice- I buy local
* I have switched my milk, sugar, and refined starch consumption (I try to stay away from refined products, I only buy sugar in the raw, and I have not personally bought cow milk in over 10 years)
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* I do have a weakness for ice cream but gravitate towards brands with natural ingredients
* I believe in balance- incorporating fresh fruits and veggies at every meal (in the winter frozen veggies and fruits are a great way to add some green to your plate)
* I eat when I'm hungry and I stop eating when I'm full
I must admit that being exposed to the truth behind the food industry was a bit scary but knowing that as the consumer I can choose where I spend my monies was comforting and empowering- we do not have to fall victim to the glossy ads and exciting commercials that ultimately empty our wallets and lead us to gastrointestinal slavery. You have a brain- use it! Be informed- its free :)
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