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photo credit: collegecurlies.blogspot.com |
The shift has been blatant and has been punctuated by every hair care company now boasting a natural hair care line meant for the care of hair au natural. There are blogs galore dedicated to the care and styling of kinks and coils, there are countless tutorials found on YouTube documenting styles, length checks, diy conconcotions meant to help the newly natural navigate the confusing world of product junkism and inspire those who have been natural before it was the 'thing to do'.
All of this fan fare has caused me to reflect on my own reasons for going natural and has helped me to realize that the decision was much more than a style choice but was a progression along my way to live the most wholesome life possible without the aide of chemical additives. Everyone's reasons are different but this post is about none of that- it's about a simple rule most of our parent(s)/grandparent(s) teachers taught us growing up, "keep your hands to yourself"!
This simple tenant has served us well in society however it has become clear that many have forgotten the lesson (in more ways than one- but for the purposes of this post I am just talking about as it relates to natural hair)
Imagine you are minding your own business- walking down the street, in the grocery store, at a party, having dinner with friends...whatever and you are approached by a stranger and after a few murmurs of awe this stranger thrusts his or her hand into your hair and proceeds to molest it (seriously). This has happened to me on several occasions and has caused me to second guess my decision to wear my hair out in public. I know that I am not the only natural who has come face to face with the "strange hand" or "stranger danger" if you will. Upon the violation I promptly inform the violator that what just happened is unacceptable and at the very least asking before touching should always be their first move.
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Photo Credit: natrube.wordpress.com |
my personal space and apart of my body is being touched unsolicited and nonchalantly by random people- and you can tell that they know it's wrong because there is a split second of hesitation and you can see the internal debate and then its like they are about to jump out of a plane and they just go for it! All well in good but its not a plane, its my hair and uh...I don't know you. The total disregard for another person's space is what really bothers me more so than foreign fingers in my hair- you wouldn't randomly go around touching a stranger's bum or private areas- people get shot for stepping on someone's shoes or bumping them- I mean come on! Think about it...this premeditated assault on curls is ridiculous and furthermore - what is the big deal- it's hair- everyone has some somewhere or at least the memory of it...I am not a animal in a petting zoo- I am a person ....with personal space issues...*sigh* anyhoo...
The moral of the story: please ask before touching anyone's anything. You are showing courtesy and respect- something everyone deserves.
What say you?
Be Your Best You
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